Wednesday, May 15, 2013

AMC's The Killing and Walking Dead

So I finally broke down and watched these two shows. I can't say exactly why I was reluctant. I thought a show called The Killing was going to be too gory. How wrong I was.

I finished the first two seasons of The Killing last night and was very impressed. I think stretching a murder mystery out over two seasons is a bit of a slog but it was very well done.
I think by mid-second season I was getting a little tired. I like how the investigation came full circle.
I kind of knew the car had to be tied to the killing in some way either to frame the politician or well used by someone in his camp. I did think the mayor did it until they showed him on the phone seemingly talking to the Indian chief. That was much too set up and I knew it wasn't him.
In the big picture I'm still perplexed as to why the aunt shoved the car in the lake. I understand that she didn't know it was her niece. But her married lover and the politician guy were arguing and her boyfriend was saying that he was never going to leave his wife. So why would she do it? I didn't think that was resolved very well. I loved how dark and dreary the show was and I loved the two lead characters. They are great actors and had a certain depth you rarely see in police shows.
My only irk is that there was too much torrential rain. It rains in Seattle (or Vancouver where they film the show) a lot, but it's more drizzly, misty.
I am so glad to see that AMC is bringing the show back for a third season and will be setting my DVR.
Now on to the Walking Dead. This is the show that I should have feared as gory. I just couldn't understand a zombie show. These people are dead, what is there to happen?

There are two things that really bother me about the show. I think the hubby and I are having a hard time with the overt gore. Every episode has at least three situations where a zombie's head is dramatically smashed, slashed, dismembered, pommeled or gored. It's this part of the show that I find icky. My husband cringes while I hold up my hand in front of the screen. I  figured this part was meant for the 13-year-olds in the crowd. Everyone reminds me it's a horror show. I disagree. It's a survival show like The Stand mini-series.
While this show isn't overly predictable, it sort of is in the sense that you know there will be a scene in the hour that is what I call the dumbass moment. There is always an event where a character is in jeopardy of being zombie lunch because of a stupid risk. This is when I'm yelling at the TV and sometimes hoping the person will die because they are such a DUMBASS.
 What I do like about the show is it's making some characters unpredictable. I love Darrell. I was afraid of him at first but he has so grown on me. I love his redneck smarts.
The cop's friend, you know the one who was sleeping with his best friend's wife, I can' remember his name, but oh, is he going evil. This is a scary turn, almost as frightening as being a zombie snack.
I just wish they had some stronger female characters. The women have become a bit too predictable in the old fashioned I'll do the laundry and cook the meals kind of way. Seriously? There isn't a guy in the group that would prefer to wash some clothes than go out looking for that lost kid?
I'm only in mid-season two and hope to be caught up by the time the next season starts.

The TV analysis brings me to my summary. I am now watching three AMC shows because I also record Mad Men, which is a little dull this season (6) but they just had the merger so maybe it will pick up.

It's getting to the point where AMC is rival of Showtime and HBO in terms of quality shows because AMC also has Breaking Bad. Since AMC is not pay cable makes you wonder why it is that network television can't produce shows of the same caliber.

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